Happy July & A Free Book Announcement


Kimberly Rose Johnson

I can’t believe it is already July! Where does the time go?

I suppose it’s going so fast because I’ve been so busy. Did you noticed my website is new? I loved the old design, but the site was old and needed to be updated. In the process I had my web designer move my blog to my actual site but sadly lost all of my wonderful subscribers.

Thank you to those of you who have re-subscribed. If you haven’t been receiving a weekly post from me and you believe re-subscribed please check your spam or junk mail for your confirmation link. You must click the link to complete the process of subscribing to this blog.

Over the past month I was able to attend two writer’s conferences. The first was specifically for screenwriters and the second included a course on screenwriting. I am currently working on adapting one of my books to screenplay. My goal is to have it done by the end of July. Hopefully that will happen, but July is packed with a lot of extra stuff, which makes it hard for me to focus on work.

I currently have a free book available on Amazon. A Love Song for Kayla is free July 2nd and 3rd. Download your copy here.

How about you? Do you have any fun summer plans? What books are on your summer reading list?