Welcoming Summer

From watching the news and listening to others on social media I see that summer has arrived. We are finally having summer weather in Oregon. 🙂

It’s a rare treat for me to have both of my boys home at the same time, but for two days, I was able to enjoy having my entire family together. It almost felt like Christmas lol. For dinner I made a family favorite–lasagna, and we even all sat a the table together for dinner. That was rare when they were teens due to their after school activities taking up much of the evening. Now they are both college graduates!

In preparation for my son coming home I worked extra hard to complete the many projects I was working on. I succeeded, freeing up two full days to spend with my younger son. 🙂

I hope your summer has started off well! Do you have anything you’re looking forward to this summer?


  • Melissa Henderson

    Looking forward to family from VA visiting next week. The pool has been open since April and the sun is shining. We always enjoy a great time with family. Have a blessed week!

  • Mary Luce

    My summer promises to be busy. We are done with Vacation Bible School. I have a daughter who needs child care while she goes back to work, so I’m going to be helping out with that (in between working my own two jobs and trying to get my debut novel edited up enough to talk to an agent or publisher) up until July 8, when marching band camp starts. I’m the Uniform Fairy 🙂 We have no plans to travel this year, but some of our (adult) children are making various trips with the grandkids. I’m trying not to waste any time and trying to keep all the balls in the air. You can see how well I’m doing. I just now got to reading your blog from June 3…

    • Kimberly Rose Johnson

      Hi, Mary! I’m behind too. I’m just now seeing your comment and approving it. Yikes!
      My younger son did marching band for four years. Those uniform Fairy’s are very important. 🙂
      You are one busy lady. Wishing the best with your debut novel.