My Working Vacation

I meant to post about my working vacation last Monday, but apparently my brain was still in vacation mode because I completely forgot to post last week.

Two weeks ago I went to Montana. I was pretty much in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a gazillion trees, meadows of grass, and a field of freshly cut hay. I’m allergic to it all, so I mostly stayed indoors the entire time I was there. The picture below of the deer was taken from my bedroom window.

Of course I couldn’t stay cooped up indoors in this outdoorsman paradise all the time. The following picture was taken while on a walk with my parents. I thought the trees with the white bark were so pretty.

The picture below is the back side of the property. I didn’t venue up there because a couple of bears live there, and I’d rather encounter a bear at the zoo while safely standing on the other side of the glass. 🙂 Not to mention the whole allergy thing lol.

I know vacations are generally reserved for relaxation type things, but even though I wrote more the week I was on vacation than I did last week, I was the most relaxed I’ve been since I don’t know when. LOL I actually found myself missing the peace and quiet this past week.

In case you haven’t heard I had a book release this past month. Edge of Truth is a romantic suspense novel  and it’s available at Amazon. In many ways my Montana trip reminded me of the setting of Edge of Truth, even though it takes place in Central Oregon. I’m sure my parents got sick of hearing me say how much this or that reminded me of Sunriver or Sisters. 🙂

I hope you enjoyed your summer. Did you do anything memorable?