
When I first added this second weekly post I tackled the subject of busyness, but many people have the opposite problem. Are you someone who doesn’t know what to do now that the kids are back in school?

I thought I’d have this problem when my kids were young and going to school all day, but was amazed at how easily I filled my time. However if you are still wondering what to do with those six or so hours the kids are away here are a few ideas.

1. Join a club that explores your passion. For example  scrap booking, sewing, knitting, hiking, bicycling, rowing, cooking, gardening, or a book group.

2. Volunteer at your child’s school, or another organization.

3. Take time for you. Go ahead and get your hair and nails done. Pamper yourself. I’m not suggesting doing this all the time, but mom’s forget to take care of themselves and even feel guilty if they do something for themselves. Remember when you are happy and feel good everyone around you feels it.

4. Get together with friends for coffee. A healthy parent is a happy parent, and social interaction is important–even for introverts like me.:)

5. Catch up on all that cleaning you’ve been putting off.

6. Find a new hobby. Learn to do something you’ve always wanted to try.

I know there are many other things that can fill those hours between eight and three. For those of you who are stay-at-home mom’s, how do you fill your day?