Merry Christmas

I know I said I wouldn’t be posting again. But I had to share. Remember when I said I was going to try and see the Christmas lights this year? I did one step better. My husband and I went to a tourist attraction in our area that decorates like crazy for Christmas. So, in case you didn’t get out to see any lights this year, I posted a few photos of my great adventure.:) Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

2012-12-21 06.38.27

2012-12-21 05.39.09



2012-12-21 06.40.56


  • JaniceG

    Thank you for the very beautiful display of Christmas lights on your blog! I was remembering this week the joy of riding around neighborhoods with my family when I was a child and seeing all the beautiful lights. Our family does not really do that now. Your blog gave me a taste of what I was missing!

    • Kimberly Rose Johnson

      Hi Janice, I’m so glad you enjoyed the pictures.
      When our children were young we used to drive around and look at the lights too. It is such a fun memory.
      It’s not to late to go see the lights.:)
      Merry Christmas and thanks for being such a faithful commenter. I really enjoy reading what you have to say.