Keys to an Abundant Life

What does it mean to live an abundant life? I imagine your definition might be different than mine. but I think it’s living life to our full potential, whatever that may be. What I’m not suggesting is living an over-crowed, time-crunched, over-committed, whirlwind kind of abundance.

I’m talking about deciding what is most important to you and focusing on the people and things you are most passionate about. We all begin our day with the exact same amount of time, it’s how we choose to fill that time that determines if we are living an abundant life.

For example, I have book due in January. That is important and a priority in my life, yet today I chose to spend the morning at a ladies bible study type thing at my church. A year ago, I would not have made that decision, but connecting with other women has become a priority to me. I now must sacrifice something else in my day to make up for that time. But I’m okay with that. I will not make myself sick or anxious trying to do it all because, honestly, it’s not worth it. I used to stress trying to do it all, but I’m done. It’s not that I don’t care, I’ve simply come to realize, if something must get pushed off to another day then so be it. Life goes on, and it’s not worth getting stressed about.

Here are four keys to living an abundant life.

  1. Know what you are passionate about and focus your time and energy in those areas.
  2. Recognize that some days you won’t accomplish everything you set out to do and accept that as okay.
  3. Cut the stuff from your life that you don’t care about. We change and sometimes what once was important to us no longer is. It’s okay to move on–this was a hard lesson for me to learn.
  4. Remember to put God first. I’ve said this so many times, but when I put my time with Him first, the rest of my day flows so much better than when I put off for later.

I hope you find these strategies to living an abundant life useful. To you have any tips that have help you?


  • Paula Santos

    Hi, Kimberly!

    First of all, I loved your book Until I Met You. It inspired me in a time, when I needed to set my priorities. And like Brandi, I realized that my time and life with God, was my number 1 priority.
    I think that we must listen to what God and our life tells us, because sometimes we can get cought up in so many little things, that we get overwelmed.
    God bless you!

    • Kimberly Rose Johnson

      Paula, I’m so happy that Until I Met You was an inspiration for you!
      You’re right, it really is easy to get caught up in the little things.
      Kimberly Rose